Interview – Cardiologist Michael Krumm

In this interview Michael Krumm describes how easy it is to work with Cortrium’s products and services. More specifically, he explains how the ECG reports save time and resources in his practice, while providing examples of how the workload is considerably reduced today.

Why did you choose to work with Cortrium?

When looking for a new Holter system, various products were presented to us. Cortrium seemed special in terms of set-up and
convenience. Also, the service with verification of the reports is key in saving time for the medical resources in our practices.

Another reason is also the comfort for the patients as the device is cable free, and everyone is amazed about how small it is. Performing
recording for up to 7 days is so uncomplicated and allows patients to continue their everyday life without any limitations. Those were the
key reasons I would say.

What is most important to you regarding the ECG reports?

The report is easy to read, coherent and logical. I would like to emphasize the great presentation, the information in percentages, e.g. how
many ventricular extrasystoles were recorded, how many atrial fibrillation phases or similar occurred during the recording period. For me, I
do not think it could be presented in a better way.

What is your impression of Cortrium’ s products and services?

I have a positive impression, because our medical assistants set up the devices so quickly and easily. It is 80% faster now compared to
before, and the verified ECG reports have also significantly reduced our time spent on analysis and reporting.

We receive the ECG reports quickly, and they are comprehensive. Even if we attach the device for several days, I get a complete
evaluation of the arrhythmias present over the days and so far, I have not found any errors in the reports.

Additionally, the Customer Care team is available daily in the event of a fault. With other companies, it took longer if we had problems with a
device and we sometimes waited a week for a replacement, which was complicated when the practice was fully booked for long-term ECG.

What do your patients say after having worn the monitor?

In general patients are happy about wearing it, and it does not bother them wearing the monitor. I have just received few comments on the skin contact of the electrodes, because it needs to stick properly for optimal recording so new and fresh electrodes are required, and remember to shave men with hairy chests, but this goes for all long-term monitors.


If the patient shower and takes off the device, it is about instructing them on how to do it, but it is quite easy so just inform them what the blinking means and let them know if any challenges they can consult you. It is easy to wear for them and easy to place on patients – you can actually do it while you talk with the patient.

Where do Cortrium’ s software and device stand out to you?

I must admit that I rarely look at the software because the ECG reports Cortrium delivers are so good. Once I have looked at the report
and everything is correct, I do not look into the software anymore. Even though I rarely use the Apex software, it is easy to use and look at.

The stylish design of the hardware stands out. This lightweight device is discrete under clothing and women can also wear it well. It really
stands out from other products.

The difference to conventional devices lies in the convenience of putting them on and taking them off, and in the charging techniques.

Have you had any feedback from patients about the C3⁺ monitor?

We have had only positive feedback from patients. They are happy that the devices are so small and cablefree. They report that they can
sleep well at night and move normally without any problems, which delights them.

How is it for your staff to prepare patients and place the C3⁺?

We used to perform 10 long-term ECGs per day. Today, we can do 20 per day still spending less time than before.

Now the nurses only need a few minutes to explain everything to the patient, attach the device and send the patient home. We used to spend 10-15 minutes, but now it is done in only 2-3 minutes.

What is most important to you among the products and services Cortrium offer?

For me as a doctor, the verified evaluation of the ECG reports is the most important thing. This is what is most relevant to all colleagues in the practice, as we have many devices in circulation. I used to analyse 6 long-term ECG reports an hour and sat here for ages in the evenings analysing ECG reports. When the other doctors were on holiday, 100 long-term ECG reports quickly piled up, so you can imagine how long I sat here on Saturdays to analyse all the long-term ECG reports. Today, of course, it is incredibly fast, so I no longer work on Saturdays.


Today, I still have a pile of them on my desk, but now I look at the report, enter the patient number and then I can already see if the patient has e.g. atrial fibrillation or not. It takes very few minutes, which means I need something like half an hour for 15-20 long-term ECG reports. In the past, it would have taken me 3 hours.

You have already mentioned the summary of the reports. Do you look at the whole report?

I look through every page. As a doctor, I am responsible for the patient’s treatment. The first page gives me a good overview, and I then dive into the details to understand the patient’s heart health better. That is why I look at the selected examples, and of course, I look at the pauses as well as the documented short supraventricular tachycardias or couplets and triplets. The report is clean and well summarized, and the mention of minimum and maximum heart rate is great. And it is quick to go through.

About Michael Krumm

He is a Cardiologist and has been working since 2001 at the renowned MVZ Ambulantes Kardiologisches Zentrum Peine GmbH, which is part of the GIG (Gesellschaft für Integrierte Gesundheitsversorgung) network. He has been working with Cortrium products and services for 1.5 years. The GIG network consists of 35 practices located in different regions of Germany.