Interview – Cardiologist Michael Krumm
In this interview Michael Krumm describes how easy it is to work with Cortrium’s products and services. More specifically, he explains how the ECG reports save time and resources in his practice, while providing examples of how the workload is considerably reduced today.
Interview – Cardiologist Jannik Pallisgaard
In this interview Cardiologist Jannik Pallisgaard, talks about his experience working with Cortrium’s products and what he considers important when choosing which long-term ECG monitor to use. Further he elaborates on a patient case and why Cortrium’s solution can make a true difference for both the public healthcare sector and patients.
Unified Efforts for Enhanced Detection and Prevention of Heart Diseases
The collaboration between healthcare innovators Cardisio and Cortrium took its first step with a joint presence at the ESC Congress in Amsterdam. These two companies have come together to provide cutting-edge, high-precision solutions for detecting heart diseases and arrhythmias, ultimately supporting healthcare professionals in cardiac diagnosis.
Proudly presenting our ECG analysis team
Besides using novel technology and advanced algorithms, Cortrium also rely on human specialists, and this is why the QC team or Quality Control team is such an important part of our service.
Cardiac arrhythmias and covid-19: the acovid-study
The novel ACOVID-study examined a relationship between COVID-19 and arrhythmias at 6 hospitals in the Greater Copenhagen area. Between 27.04.2020 and 30.07.2020, 117 patients with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections were screened for arrhythmias using the Cortrium C3⁺ Holter Monitor. The aim of the study was to estimate the type of arrhythmias with continuous electrocardiogram (ECG) in patients hospitalized with COVID-19.
Volvo investigation of the protected top speed
VOLVO has analyzed the effects of a guaranteed top speed in its new models with the Cortrium C3⁺ Holter Monitor. The result shows that greater safety and environmental protection in no way spoils driving pleasure and leads to a lower level of stress among drivers.